Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre, UK

London is famous for its wide choice of theatrical experiences on offer – drama, ballet, opera, musicals, you can always find something you would enjoy. In today’s Hidden Gems entry, I’d like to tell you about one of my favourite theatres in London, which is brilliant not only for its program and actors, but also for the whole experience that you get, when you visit.

Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre is located in one of the Royal Parks, inside Regent’s Park’s Inner Circle, just a short walk away from Baker Street Tube station. Now, let’s just say that Regent’s Park itself is amazing and definitely worth a visit, with its wide open spaces and shady walkways lined by old sycamore trees. Its Inner Circle is also a home to a beautiful Rose Garden.


The Theatre’s auditorium is one of the largest in London (1,250 seats), but it doesn’t feel too big or crowded at all. The fact that there’re no walls or a roof and that the stage’s background is an emerald wall of trees and bushes makes you feel like you just stepped into another world of phantasy and imagination. It was founded in 1932 and over the years a lot of wonderful actors performed on its stage, such as Benedict Cumberbatch, Vivien Leigh, Judi Dench, John Malkovich and many others.

As the sun goes down, you find yourself completely emerged in the story unraveling before you, whisper of tree leaves and birds chirping only adding to the feeling of being in a fairytale. Some members of the audience bring picnic baskets and enjoy the play, while relaxing on the grass right next to the stage.

One of the best theatre evenings we had in London with my husband was watching The Taming of the Shrew in the Open Air Theatre. Ageless Shakespeare, great actors, warm summer evening and a bottle of rose to share. Priceless.


If you plan on going to London this summer, I would really highly recommend visiting this theatre – this is a completely different theatrical experience to anything else on offer in the city. The only problem is – your evening will depend on a slightly unpredictable British weather. You can check out what’s on this summer on their website.

Image credit: Wikipedia.

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