TinyExpats just reached 100 followers on WordPress! Thank you all very much for following us and our two tiny expats on our journey! I will try to make it an interesting one :) Stay tuned, much more fun stuff to come!



  1. My blog is 10 days old. I travel a lot, also. Have been for many years now. When I first started traveling, nobody traveled with small children. Nobody. And it always amazes me now when I see families traveling in places like Bali or Katmandu. I find it difficult to manage myself—taking care of kids…I’m not capable of that! Kudos to you. And how wonderful for them!! How many days/months did it take to reach 100?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you :) i’m not sure, maybe transportation/accomodation/planning is getting easier and more child friendly? I’ve started blogging in november 2014.


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