
IMG_0942Hi! My name’s Yuliya and I’m a mother of two little girls, who are slowly but surely becoming tiny expats. We moved around a lot in the last 10 years or so. I met my husband in London, where we studied together. I moved to UK, when I was 17, from Ukraine and he came there to study, when he was just 12, from Moscow. After 7 year in UK came Hambrug, where our oldest daughter was born and where we lived for about 4 years. When she was 1 year and 5 months old, we relocated to Shanghai and spent a year there. Our next destination was Moscow, a city where we spent two years and had another baby girl. The next time we moved, our second daughter was about 1 year and 3 months. This was in May 2014, when we arrived to a tiny but a very beautiful and cosy town of Pardubice, Czech Republic. The latest relocation happened just before Christmas 2015 – CZ to UK and I am writing now from our home in Warwickshire.

100followersI started this blog in November 2014 and the main reason was to collect here any useful information I could find about living with the kids in Pardubice. As the town was so small, there was not enough information available in English. Hope, my Pardubice Directory section helps any newcomers to feel more at home. You can read about our every day life in Pardubice and travelling around Czech Republic in Expat Life in CZ.

Since then I started posting here some random thoughts, memories of our previous travel, expat experiences and stories about interesting places around the world. Please, read more about my Wanderlust Projects here or search for stories by a country index here. You can also participate in my blogging event ShowYourWorld.

cropped-logo1.jpgNow we are in UK and our expat journey has gone full circle. Read more about our CZ-UK relocation here.

If you have any questions, you can send me a message on Facebook (TinyExpats page), Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram – @tinyexpats.

You can also read more about my family and myself in this interview on Expats Blog , MojoMums and Regent’s Alumni blog.

© TinyExpats and http://www.tinyexpats.com, 2014-2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to TinyExpats and http://www.tinyexpats.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.



  1. Hi there, I’m glad you found my blog and I hope you’ll like it too. I think our life styles are very similar and I guess we have lots in common. I can see you speak lots of languages, wow!!! Can I ask you what your mother tounge is?
    I’m intrigued my your blog and I’m going to be your new follower :-)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you :) I also thought we kind of have the same situation, so followed you :)
      I am a native Russian-speaker from Ukraine. My husband’s originally from Moscow, half-Ukrainian, but he lived in UK since he was 12. We all have some issues with defining where our home is by now :)

      Liked by 1 person

    • that’s a good question! I have no clue, they’re still too young to tell but If I had to guess now, I would say Italy as it’s the only place where we keep on going to visit our families and friends.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Nice blog and nice way of life :) I am also half Ukrainian/half Latvian. I’ve been moving from Latvia to Italy then to Ukraine and Belgium for a little while, and now I am in Egypt where I met my husband. And we are planning to relocate again :) We don’t have children yet, but we are planning to have them:). However, I thought maybe it will be difficult to move in the future if we have children… but your blog and a couple of others are convincing me that everything is possible!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow! I can relate to many things. Traveling with lil’ kids is lot more difficult than traveling alone. Only people who are in the same boat can feel this. Interesting life, that you have. With so many things going around, how do u get time for ur lovely tiny angels?


  4. […] Got up early in the morning today to send my son to school. Checked my Phone ( I’ve this annoying habit of checking the phone 1st thing in the morning ) and Whoa ! much to my astonishment, I saw that I,ve been nominated for Real Neat Blog Award by my lovely fellow blogger tinyexpats. I follow her and love reading her posts as I can relate to many of her experiences. The morning started with such a happy note. Replied her that she made my day. Thank you once again, tinyexpats! […]

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Tiny Expats!

    I am a television producer working on the US travel show ‘House Hunters International’. We are looking for English speaking expats who have recently moved to the Czech Republic to feature on our show. I wonder if you might like to share your story?

    House Hunters International is a half-hour TV show currently airing on the Home and Garden Television Network (HGTV) in America. The series is designed to de-mystify the international home-buying / renting process, by going behind the scenes of a house hunt where expats and their real estate agents tour 3 homes. At its core, House Hunters International is a travel show concentrating on the idiosyncrasies of the locales and what makes them special and different.

    Here is a link to show you what our show is all about!


    We would love to film in the Czech Republic again so please get in touch if you or any of your contacts might be interested in finding out more!

    Best wishes,


    Michelle James
    1-3 St Peter’s Street, London N1 8JD – +44 20 7704 3300

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi TinyExpats,
    I’ve been perusing your lovely blog and wanted to say congratulations, I have nominated your blog for a Liebster Award! The Liebster Award is a fun way to recognize some of the awesome posts fellow bloggers (like you) are publishing. The award comes with a tradition of sharing a few things about yourself and spreading the love to other bloggers. You can check out what was passed onto me here:

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thanks so much for following and leading me to your beautiful blog. We have quite a lots in common I see, Although we are more into warm countries ;) Very happy to follow your blog and exchange about our lives as expats with third culture kids! Have a lovely day :)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dealing with the kids on the move is for sure something I always like to read about! Thanks for following as well :) By the way, if you want, there is still time to join Trailing Spouse Stories blog crawl, you can read more about it in my Project Section. Submission time for February is next Wednesday.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. It will be fun to follow along. My brother (from the US) married a Russian, and they live, for the time being, in Moscow. They also have two beautiful girls, now almost grown up. Hope you words do indeed provide encouragement for others living far from their birthplace.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Hello! My name is Joe Pinzone and I work on a very popular international travel series that documents adventurous individuals’, couples’ and families’ experiences as they make the decision to move abroad. This series is a great opportunity to tell your story and share more about what you like/dislike about your new home. If you think that you or someone you know could be a fit for the show, or if you’d like to get more information, please contact me at JoePinzone@LeopardUSA.com. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Awesomeness! I had to start at the “beginning” just to familiarize myself with your work. I must admit I look forward to learning more by seeing the world through your eyes!


    Liked by 1 person

  11. I just stumbled across your blog via another – Show your world. Sounds intriguing and as I am a travel obsessed mother who is always planning the next trip, I will be sure to begin following you. Happy travels and blogging, Cheryl and the Family C

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Hi,
    I know LovetoTrav and TerriWebster Schrandt. We met at the Harsh Reality Meet and Greet. You just started blogging in November and already have 90 comments on your About Page?! Impressive! I have daughters too. Nice to meet you.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Dear Yuliya,

    What an amazing life! It must be so enriching and special to share it with your family. My name is Elena Tamarit, journalist and intern in Bright Expats (, ). We are about to launch our new expats’ blog about Brussels and expat’s lifes around the world, and I would be delighted to interview you for an special article about your blog and to help new expats in the transition to a new life abroad.

    I remain at your disposal to discuss the possibility of a Skype or e-mail interview and I wish you a great day,


    Elena Tamarit
    Bright Expats Brussels
    The Local Partner of Global People
    Email: elena@brightexpats.com
    Web: http://www.brightexpats.com and http://www.settleanconnect.com

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Really enjoy this blog! Just stumbled upon it! It’s so interesting to read other expat stories, we are expats living in the UK going on 7 years. It’s an adventure, and nice to find other people doing the same with their own stories to share. Looking forward to reading more!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you :) We’re in the middle of the move to UK as well (my visa making things difficult). Heading over to your blog to find out more about you!


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