Writer’s Quote Wednesday – Bill Watterson (and a Mother on Strike)

I’m really happy that I came across quotes by Bill Watterson, while looking for this week’s entry for Silver Threading’s Writer’s Quote Wednesday blog event. First of all, I found something that perfectly reflects current situation at our home. Moreover, I think, I found another favourite writer of mine (or, to be more precise, a cartoonist).

Bill Watterson is the author of a successful comic strip, Calvin and Hobbes, which was in print between 1985 and 1995. I haven’t seen that story before, but judging by the amazing, tongue in cheek, quotes – it must have been pretty amazing. So here’s the one that jumped at me today:

Bill Watterson

Yes, I’m sick, my girls were sick during the last week (meaning quite a lot of sleepless nights) and (ta da!) my husband is away (again). I’ve already written about joys of being alone, without a partner or any relatives close by, in another country with sick kids (or being sick yourself) here. What amazes me, though, is that we always seem to get sick, when my husband leaves! A friend of mine usually visits this doctor, who specialises in Chinese medicine and treats her and her family according to Wind, Bile and Phlegm components (don’t ask me for details, I’d just confuse you more). He claims that when a husband leaves his family, he takes away certain energy, which causes the remaining members to get sick. I’ll leave it up to you, whether to believe this theory or not, but I’m rather set on blaming my husband for getting us sick every time he goes on a business trip (and no, I’m sick, so I will not be reasonable).

Now, I don’t know about you, but I always feel guilty, if I neglect my housework or somehow start cheating my ways with child care. But these last few days I told myself to stop that nonsense and took time to just lounge on the sofa and feel sorry for myself (between sneezing and coughing). By now, our flat is covered in an even layer of toys. The kids were fed with healthy, but not very exciting, menu of fish or whole chicken simply roasted in an oven. Our hamster almost fell a victim of overwhelming love of my 2 year old (his place of residence for now is the top shelf in the living room, so I’m not afraid that somebody could get him, while I go into my happy place in my head). Rocks and plants in our tiny aquarium seem suspiciously rearranged, but I’m not going to dwell on that. Girls were enjoying a lot of cartoons, iPad games and mom’s phone games – and I’m not even feeling guilty.

After three days in about the same manner, I started to feel a bit better and my kids picked up on that straight away. Just like in that quote, you know, – we’d be really happy, if you got well soon! We want to spend hours outside and eat blini (pancakes) right now! As I started feeling almost like myself, I thought, ok, suck it up, you’re a mom after all. Be tough and go make blini for you children. They seemed so excited. By the time I finished making them, my 5 year old fell asleep on the sofa (at quite an early time for her) and my 2 year old was dozing off in my hands (holding a child with one hand and flipping pancakes with another is a new skill I mastered today). With two kids asleep and a plate full with hot blini I feel like using another quote of Bill Watterson: “What fun is it being cool if you can’t wear a sombrero?”. I need a sombrero.



As this post ended up to be about motherhood issues as much as writer’s quote, I’m submitting it for the Every Day Mom link up.



  1. Oh boy! I remember those days well. Such is the life of a military wife too! LOL. Great quote and I know I have an email from you that I have not read. Please forgive me. I will get to it tomorrow. Hang in there and feel better. <3

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  2. Omg, I can’t believe you haven’t heard of Calvin and Hobbes but I’m so happy you discovered it and Bill Watterson. I absolutely encourage you to read more of it. It may seem like a comic for children, and as a kid is when I started reading it and loving it, but it truly transcends age and the older you get the more you get the comic and all the subtle and amazing life messages. I’m glad you’re feeling better.

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    • I guess, I missed it as I lived in Ukraine then and end of 80s – beginning of 90s wasn’t a time for when comics from other countries were on the list of necessities :) I’ll definitely make sure to look it up now!


  3. Ha! I need a Sombrero too! I hope you will feel much better soon. I felt so sick on Tuesday and was so happy that my husband was home and took over. I can totally understand the idea of taking energy away and why everyone would get sick… It kind of makes sense, especially if everyone is well connected. Oh… And I love Calvin and Hobbes!!! Love it!!! It’s more a comic for adults than for children and you should definitely dive into it. Some great little messages in there!

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  4. I love Calvin and Hobbes–so did my kids. He was so on target with everything! Felt guilty?! Oh, I hope that thought passed quickly. Take care of you. At least the layer of toys was even. :D

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  5. Oh poor you – I read this last night from my own sofa, my husband away…..but I am not sick and the girls can virtually look after themselves now so life is sweet :) I do remember how horrendous it is to be ill when they were tiny though. Hope you recover quickly x

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  6. This seems to happen to us quite often. Each time my husband disappears on a trip the sickness takes over the household. I’ve always attributed to the stress of change for the babes, and just the stress of being alone for me. I’m not in another country from family…but I am across the country still with no one to help.

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  7. I have said it once and I will say it again. mom’s should never get sick! Hope you feel better soon. I am have been home with sick kids since Friday. 2yo is still having high fevers and now the 5yo has been throwing up since 2:30am.. I am over it and will begin cleaning the house soon only because I want to Clorox that shit like there is no tomorrow!

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  8. Could I have the blini by any chance?????? :-). Am glad you are feeling better. And this is one of the most fun posts I have read in a long while even though I am aware that it can’t have been fun for you. Sorry…. :-)

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